

To Crack Your Neck or Not To Crack Your Neck

Many people rely on neck cracking to help eliminate pain that they may be feeling in their joints. While this cracking, which is often accompanied with a popping sound, can help bring some relief and can be somewhat relaxing, there can actually be harm in doing it as well.

Side Effects of Cracking your Neck

There are many negative health concerns that can be experienced when you crack your neck. For starters, it can cause neck pain because it can actually decrease the mobility of your neck after some time. Since the cartilage is worn down during the cracking process, inflammation and neck pain can occur.

It can also lead to osteoarthritis in the future because it causes a great deal of stress on the joints. Ligaments are forced to stretch excessively and this can lead to instability of the bone bridges between the vertebrae. Eventually, this can lead to permanent damage and irreversible joint stabilization issues.

Studies have also shown that those who habitually crack their neck are at a greater risk of having a stroke at a younger age; younger than 60. This is because damage can occur to the blood vessels and cervical arteries that are near the neck and cause blood clots. While it is likely that a stroke caused in this manner will be minor, it can cause a great number of additional health concerns as well.


There are many things that you can do to receive the same benefit of neck cracking without going through the neck cracking process. Exercise is one of the best methods that you can use to eliminate issues with the joints. To exercise the muscles in your neck, you can lower your head until your chin touches your chest. Do this several times a day to help eliminate neck pain due to tight muscles.

Joint movement is also important when you are looking to eliminate the need to crack your neck. When your joints are not moving properly, they will be stiff and crack when you move them. However, by exercising muscles that are weak, you will strengthen them and inevitably eliminate these issues.

Lying down flat and using hot compresses are also helpful approaches to use when you feel pain in your neck. They can be done first thing in the morning to eliminate that morning stiffness you feel when you get out of bed.


Stretching is one of the best ways to loosen up your joints and helps you to crack your joints in the right way. You should seek a licensed chiropractor’s assistance to help you with your back pain as well.

Not only will your chiropractor be able to eliminate the need to crack your neck, but they will be able to offer you guidance as to the proper way to crack your joints and exercises that you can do to help eliminate neck pain. Even though cracking your neck can seem like a good idea at the time, there are many health risks to consider and you should avoid doing it at all costs.


Rating Sleeping Positions

One of the things that everyone has in common is that we all sleep. However, the way in which we sleep can vary greatly from one person to the next. Each sleeping style can have a certain effect on our bodies. To find out how your sleeping style affects your body, check out the information listed below.


Sleeping on your back is great for your spine because it helps make sure that your head, spine and neck remain in a neutral position. By sleeping in this position, you will not be creating any extra curves in your spine. However, while this is considered the best sleeping position, it is not great for those who snore, but it does help prevent acid reflux, wrinkles, and neck and back pain.

Right Side

This is also a great location for your spine because it can help keep it elongated. However, it can cause you to develop wrinkles because of the location of your face on your pillow. It does help to eliminate snoring, but does not do much for acid reflux issues.

Left Side

There is very little difference between sleeping on your right side versus sleeping on your left side.  Sleeping on the left side of your body helps improve your blood flow through your body. As well as the right side, the left side will help to elongate your spine and will solve the issue of snoring. However, if you are looking to prevent wrinkles and acid reflux, the back position is a better one to choose.


The stomach is the worst position to sleep in for a number of reasons. For starters, it does not allow your neck and spine to stay in a neutral position. This is the sleep position that is most likely to cause massive amounts of back and neck pain when you wake up in the morning. It can also put pressure on your joints and muscles and irritate your nerves as well. However, it will help to eliminate snoring if this is an issue.


In the end, it is suggested that you sleep on your back or on your side. According to chiropractors, there are benefits of both in regards to your spine. While sleeping on your back helps the natural curve of your body, it is likely that you will need additional pillows to help achieve the best position for your spine. You should also select a pillow that offers additional support to help keep your neck in the natural position.

Sleeping on your side is suggested by chiropractors as the best sleeping position for your spine. It is suggested that you place a firm pillow between your knees so that you can eliminate pressure on the joints of your knees and hips.

Above all, you chiropractors say that you should never sleep on your stomach because of the damage that it does to your spine. Instead, choose a more spine friendly sleeping position so that you can make sure that the pain that you normally experience in your neck and back is eliminated.


3 Must Do’s if you’ve been in a Car Accident


Being involved in a car accident can be an extremely stressful situation. However, it is important that you remain calm and make sure that you handle everything accordingly. Regardless of who is at fault for the accident, there are three things that you must do when you have been in a car accident.

Stop, Look and Exchange Information

One of the most important things that you will need to do when you have been involved in an accident is to stop and survey the damage. By not stopping, you could be charged with leaving the scene of an accident, which can mean you will have to pay some pretty hefty fines.

You should also be careful to look over all the damage that has been done and meticulously take pictures of the scene, if possible. You should also keep in mind the particular laws that are in place in regards to calling a police officer after an accident. Many major cities have strict rules that require you to simply exchange information with the other driver if there are no injuries.

It is also best to move the vehicles to a safe location if possible, but only if it is completely safe to do so. If your car is not in a drivable condition, you will need to wait for assistance to arrive and avoid attempting to move anything. In this situation, it is best to turn on your emergency blinkers so that others will be warned of the situation.

Call your Insurance Company

Even if you are not at fault, you will want to give your insurance company a call. There are situations when your insurance may need to take over the repairs for your vehicle. For example, if the other party does not have adequate insurance or if the repairs exceed the amount that is allowed according to their policy.

If your vehicle has been totaled, you will need to have your insurance information updated anyway, so it’s best to get the process started sooner rather than later. You should also inquire about the use of a rental car when you call in your accident and determine if your insurance will cover the rental vehicle as well.

Visit your Doctor or the ER

Remember that most of the pain that you are feeling at the moment will be greatly increased after the adrenaline has worn off. You should always visit with a doctor immediately following a vehicular accident. Oftentimes, injuries can resurface several days, if not years in the future if not properly cared for.

However, if you do not visit the ER or your doctor in relation to the auto accident, the injuries will never be reported as an injury sustained by the accident you experienced. This means that if you find out later that you have spinal injuries from the accident several weeks later, you may be forced to pay for any treatments out of pocket.


A car accident can be a very serious situation where lives are in danger. If you ever find yourself in one, it is best to remain as calm as possible and try to keep yourself safe at all times. You should always wear your seatbelt while you are traveling in a vehicle in order to remain safe throughout the journey.

However, when an accident does occur, you will need to be proactive and make sure that your health is being taken care of. You should never brush off a minor ache with the thought that it will go away in a few days. It is best to have it checked out by a doctor, no matter what.


5 Ways to Cope with Back Pain While Pregnant

how to overcome back pain during pregnancy (1)
One of the most common issues that women face when they are pregnant is back pain that grows as their baby grows. Back pain can become quite bothersome and even excruciating as the woman progresses throughout her pregnancy. However, there are several remedies that a pregnant woman can do to help ease this pain.


Participating in pregnancy yoga or doing stretching exercises is also a great way to loosen up the muscles of the back. You should always make sure that you have a way to balance yourself during yoga to keep you and your baby safe. Yoga can be very helpful relieving back pain that women experience during pregnancy. By doing yoga and stretching all your muscles, you will be allowing your pelvis and spine to move freely which will minimize the pain that you feel. Staying active during pregnancy make for a more comfortable experience and reduces the risk of complications as well.

Work your Core

You should always talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise program while you are pregnant. Most doctors recommend that you stay as physically active as you were before becoming pregnant. Building up the muscles in your core is one of many great ways to lessen the amount of back pain that you will feel while you are pregnant. This can also help you gain a bit of stabilization.

Spine Alignment

While you are pregnant you should become aware of your posture. Being more conscious of how you sit or stand is another way of eliminating back back, especially if you are unable to exercise while pregnant. For example, while you are standing try to place equal weight on both of your feet and tuck your tailbone slightly in order to counteract the swayback curve that you most likely have. This allows for more space and length between your vertebrates so it can restore the natural curves so you spine can bear the weight of your body.

Pregnancy Massage

Many massage parlors have a special massage called a prenatal massage that is available to pregnant women. This can be very helpful to alleviate the back pain felt by women during pregnancy, as well as a great way to help them relax a bit. Massages loosen up the muscles in the body to help rid it of tension and stress. This is a great gift to offer a woman who is pregnant as well, so keep this in mind for baby shower gift ideas.


Acupuncture is an ancient art that helps to alleviate pain and regulate the blood flow throughout the body by way of particular pressure points in the body. Acupuncture has various benefits for those who are dealing with back pain or other pains while pregnant. Since it is a holistic approach you can receive it during pregnancy knowing that you and your baby are safe.


Many women suffer from back pain while they are pregnant, but by relying on these treatments and ideas, they will be able to alleviate their pain. Since it is a common discomfort during pregnancy, many women believe that they simply must live with the back pain. That it is part of the beauty of carrying a child for nine months, while it is beautiful, it is not the case.

Since every pregnancy is different, it can be difficult to say whether certain women would be at risk or not with these activities. It is best to talk to your doctor before you try any of these methods, just to make sure that they are safe for you, your baby, and any conditions you may be experiencing.


Relieve Chronic Pain with Chiropractic Care

Chronic pain is a common issue for many individuals. Presently, there are many options available for you to choose to manage or treat your pain. While some control their pain with the use of over-the-counter drugs, others make use of wellness exercises and proper diet to develop the strength of their bodies. While some opt for surgery, believing that it is the only effective way to deal with pain.

Medical remedies to pain often result in unfavorable side effects and could also lead to over dependence on drugs. When drugs are taken frequently, they can result on kidney or liver damage. Drugs only resolve the symptoms but do not offer a solution to the real problem.

A natural alternative to provide relief to pain is Chiropractic care. It established itself in the health care system over a hundred years ago. These days, chiropractors are board certified and are also highly skilled and well trained in the field of health care. They can offer relief and treatment to different forms of pain.

Chiropractors believe in the innate ability of the body to heal and regulate its functions. When there are misalignments which are known as subluxations, the nervous system’s function is disrupted. Chiropractic care causes a restoration of the correct alignment of the spinal vertebrae by manual manipulation techniques. These manipulation techniques have been in use for many years to solve different pain and medical issues.

Improvements in chiropractic care have advanced spinal manipulations and have made them more relaxing and efficient than ever before. Many chiropractors also provide other drug-free methods such as exercise and counselling which work together with therapy sessions to improve overall health, resolve pain and inhibit its recurrence.

More importantly, chiropractors can help you determine the sources of your severe pain. They regularly recommend exercises that can be done at home to correct these problems and help control the pain. Many chiropractors provide nutritional and lifestyle advice to help improve your body’s ability to cure itself. After a few rehabilitation sessions, you will observe a reduction in the severity of the pain and you will begin to feel rejuvenated.

Surgery can be painful and have a long recovery period. It also requires anaesthesia and offers medication with high probability for dependency. The use of chiropractic care is a natural and great way to manage severe pain. Once chiropractic therapy commences, you will begin to observe improvement in pain symptoms. In addition, it offers drug-free solution for various ailments and also addresses the underlying problems which cause pain.

Evidences have shown how chiropractic care has been efficient in helping people who experience severe pain. It reduces pain experience and improves the functions of the spine.


Low-Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation

Low-back pain is a unique issue in that it can vary in its level of debilitating pain, as well as its duration. Some professionals suggest icing, heating, and resting as the most effective method for recovery, while others may go as far as surgery. The truth is, there really is no foolproof method for treating back pain, however, there are methods that are more effective than others in relieving pain, in addition to being safer, more natural, and less invasive to the human body.  Read more


6 Most Common Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is a symptom of a problem with the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. It controls muscles in the back of your knee and lower leg and provides feeling to the back of your thigh, part of your lower leg, and the sole of your foot. When you have sciatica, you have pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling. It can start in the lower back and extend down your leg to your calf, foot, or even your toes. It’s usually on only one side of your body. Sciatica refers to pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the leg. It is caused by injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a symptom of another medical problem, not a medical condition on its own. Common causes of sciatica include:  Read more


6 Ways to relief back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is a common problem and it is not surprising. However, it still deserves attention and requires adequate care. As per estimates, nearly 50% to 80% women experience back pain at some stage of pregnancy. The pain can range from mild pain being associated with only some activities to acute pain that can become chronic. The pain is usually observed in the lower back. In most cases, the pain is observed during the fifth to seventh month of the pregnancy. However, it may start as early as third month.  Read more