Helpful Chiropractic News Concerning Pain Solutions


The Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor While Pregnant


Visiting a chiropractor while pregnant is becoming more and more common as many OB/GYNs become more open to the concept. Today, doctors are now referring their patients for adjustments to treat pregnancy related back pain.

During pregnancy, our body secretes hormones that help relax the body. Without these hormones, our pelvis would not be able to expand wide enough to allow the birth of the baby. When you add the increase in weight, shift in center of gravity and the change in biomechanics (due to the disproportionate amount of weight that is being distributed to the front), it is no wonder that pregnant women are prone to back pain. Most often, during pregnancy, low back pain is a result of vertebral dislocations and muscle spasm. A partial vertebral dislocation is the misalignment of a bone in your spine. Partial dislocations cause muscle spasm and stress on the spine and nerves. The Chiropractic adjustment is a specific amount of force applied to the misaligned joint in order to fix its position and function.

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons that pregnant women seek chiropractic care. The degree of pain ranges from barely noticeable to excruciating, with jolting or shooting pain into the legs and buttocks. Pain in the mid-back becomes more frequent as the chest become denser from lactation. Many women also seek the help of chiropractic care for headaches and migraines. Most headaches are caused or aggravated by partial dislocations in the cervical spine or neck. Fluxes of hormones can also contribute to headache occurrence. Women, who suffer migraines and were taking medication before becoming pregnant, often look to chiropractors for relief, since they can no longer take the medication. Many patients actually find that the chiropractic adjustments are more effective than the medications.

Aside from providing ‘symptom relief’, receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy has some other benefits for yourself, your baby and upcoming labor. The uterus is supported by ligaments that are attached to the pelvis. If the bones in your pelvis are partially dislocated, it can put tension on those ligaments. This can cause a decrease in space in the uterus, as well as, in the pelvis ring. It is very important to ensure that the pelvis is aligned properly for it to allow optimal opening during labor. Women who have undergone chiropractic adjustments while being pregnant report that their labors are easier and less stressful on their bodies.

Many ‘side effects’ of pregnancy can be reduced with just a few chiropractic adjustments . . . lower back pain, leg cramps, mid-back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel symptoms, and even nausea. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, do not ‘grin and bear it’. Find a renown chiropractor in your area, who is trained in caring for pregnant women, and set up an appointment as soon as possible!


Injury Risks In Popular Spring Sports

Spring is a popular time for sports. The winter is over and many people are now getting back outdoors to get ready to participate in sports for the upcoming spring. This change also means that there is a chance for many injuries to athletes occur because of a number of reasons. Some of those reasons include the drastic change of climate and weather conditions for some sports.

Athletes have been accustomed to training and participating indoors when it’s cold but are now exposed to colder weather and other conditions, all of which can play a role in increasing sports injuries. People also tend to become a lot more active in the spring due to the weather so just starting to engage in intense physical activity again after a period of inactivity can increase the risk of injury alone.

Sports most commonly played during the spring include basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, and tennis, to name a few. These sports all require an intense level of physical activity which can cause a lot of stress on muscles, joints, and ligaments that have been dormant for months in the case of some people.

Most Common Types of Injuries Sustained And How To Prevent Them

The most common injuries that occur to athletes during this time of year are muscular injuries, and injuries to ligaments and joints. The most effective way to prevent injuries from occurring is to make sure that you prepare yourself for the demands of the upcoming season.

These injury risks can be prevented by using a prevention strategy that entails a physical check up, an effective warm up routine for the necessary areas of the body. Your muscles, joints, and ligaments will always be stiff before you start performing any physical activity so you need to make sure you warm up and stretch properly.

Start your warm up routine with exercises that gradually increase in intensity that are followed with stretching. Many common injuries in spring sports are to the muscles, ligaments, and joints. The most effective prevention strategy for these kinds of injuries is warming up and stretching rather than jumping straight into any physical activity.

Some of the most common ligament and joint injuries involve the knees, elbows, and ankles. These are particularly common in sports like baseball, basketball, tennis, and volleyball to name a few. Again, just like for muscular injuries, you can minimize the injury risk to these areas by doing appropriate warm ups and stretching.

You need to warm up as per normal but also include exercises that make sure the knees, elbows, and ankles are ready for physical activity. You can help prevent knee injuries simply by bending the knees up and down, left and right, and even circular motions. The same kind of stretching applies for both the elbows and ankles as well.

Muscular, joint, and ligament injuries are the most common for spring sports. The most effective way to reduce injury risks to these areas is by ensuring you have an effective prevention strategy involving warming up and stretching of the areas most commonly affected.


Top 5 Pregnancy Stretches to Relieve Pain

For some women, pregnancy is very easy and they happily carry their baby to full term without any major discomforts. On the other hand, some women may face lots of complications and this natural process may be highly taxing for them.

The human body is very sensitive to pain during pregnancy; the body is constantly changing, which cause discomfort at some points along the way. There are some problems during early weeks, while the rest usually occurs when it gets closer to delivery. This is normal and doesn’t mean that something is wrong. Each and every woman’s pregnancy is unique in its own way. Discomfort and pain can be controlled to a significant level by a few easy stretches. The muscles targeted in these exercises are the ones that are majorly affected by pregnancy. These are chest, calf, lower and upper back, hips, etc. that are addressed. In order to take advantage of these stretches to the highest degree, you should stretch these muscles in mild tension for almost 8-10 seconds. Each stretch must be repeated three times.

Stretch # 1 – The Total Back Stretch

Stretching the back is one of the easiest stretches that can help a pregnant woman. In this stretch, you must stand an arm distance from a pole or door jamb. Your hands need to be placed on the either side and your feet should be kept a little wider while keeping the knees relaxed. Your knees must be bent slowly and your chin must be dropped to the chest while tilting your tailbone, stretching the back fully. It relieves the stress in neck, back and shoulders.

Stretch # 2 – The Side Stretch

The side stretch is another stretch that can help a pregnant woman. While standing to the right of a pole or a door jamb, cross your right foot over the left. Your abdominals must be contracted and your body must be pulled away from the door jamb. This stretch helps in relieving tension in the arms lower back and shoulders.
Stretch # 3 – The Chest Stretch
You can stand in between two walls in a lunge position with left foot in the front of the right foot separated apart. Your forearms and hands can be placed on the walls at chest height with slightly bending elbows. Breath slowly while contracting upper back muscles can help in stretching the upper and middle chest. It helps in relieving neck and shoulder tension to a considerable extent.

Stretch # 4 – The Standing Calf Stretch

With your toe pointed forward, you must face a wall and keep hips and shoulders square. The forearms and hands can be placed on the wall. The left knee must be bent while pressing hips forward. This position must be held for a time and then released. It stretches calves and prevents cramps in foot and leg.

Stretch # 5 – The Seated Hamstring Stretch

The hamstring stretch is another exercise that can help a pregnant woman relieve muscle tension. In this stretch, you need to sit on the floor with right leg in front and left leg bent. While sitting on the floor, square your hips while bringing the sole of your foot towards your groin. A towel can be placed beneath your right heel to help the stretch. This helps in stretching hamstrings and avoids any pain in the lower back.


How Improper Sleep Positions can Cause Back Pain

Back pain can make it difficult to get a decent night’s sleep. Then again, certain slumber positions can create strain on an aching back. To some degree, an endless loop exists between back pain and sleep issues. Pain can influence the nature of your sleep, as indicated by the National Sleep Foundation, prompting a lighter sleep state and more incessant waking for the duration of the night. Most neck and back ache created by poor sleeping issues is the consequence of an improper sleeping position.

You can sleep in various positions that can give better general alignment to your spine which diminishes the chances of awakening with pain in the morning. A general standard to take after is that you need your spine in an impartial position. To attain to this, the best position for sleeping is on your back. This will help the neck and spine to keep up an impartial position. While sleeping on your back, you ought to place a pillow under your knees or a rolled up towel under your lower back to keep the spine’s general bend. Sleeping on your side is an alternate rest position, which supplements the regular bend of the spine while keeping the spine stretched. Laying on one’s side while sleeping is actually the most prominent resting position. As indicated by a national review of more than 2,000 individuals by TempurPedic, 57% of individuals sleep in this position.

While resting in the side position, it is recommended to keep your knees somewhat bent and to have a pillow between your legs. This position will decrease weight on the hips. Keeping your arms in front of you and not under your head or cushion will keep your hands from going numb from nerve disturbance and diminish weight on your neck and shoulder. Sleeping on your stomach is a very bad sleeping position for your back and neck, considering your stomach takes the most strain and weight against the bend of your neck and lower back. As it levels the regular bend of the spine, lower back pain can come from sleeping on your stomach. To have a good night’s sleep, you need to discover a sleeping position where your joints are not being unnecessarily compacted or muscles are put in an unusually cramped or extended position. Constricting the body on one side over a long period of time can create postural awkwardness and result in soreness or pain when awake.

It is vital to pick a mattress that is most suited for your body. You ought to buy a new mattress every seven to ten years. Deciding to sleep on a mattress that is agreeable to you within the slightest measure of weight or pressure can help you to nod off quicker, stay asleep, and to feel rejuvenated in the morning.


5 Frequent Hockey Injuries


Team sports are typically aggressive, and hockey is one sport that has a high risk for injury. Players are prone to injuries that can potentially impact them for the rest of their lives. When two teams of players seek to gain control of a puck and score goals against their opponents, there’s bound to be friction and collision. That the game is fast paced and hockey sticks, skates and collisions only serves to heighten the chances of injury.

General Injuries

Most injuries occur because players are struck by the stick or by the puck, causing fractures, sprains, lacerations and even open wounds, while others are caused from direct contact with other players.

Shoulder and Elbow Injuries

Shoulder injuries are common and dislocated shoulder bones or broken collarbones are inevitable. Sometimes a sling and rest is sufficient but in serious cases surgery has to be performed which can have lasting repercussions. The elbow and wrist are also areas that are frequently injured. Bursitis and recurrent inflammation can cause enough damage to keep athletes off the ice.

Head Injuries

The worst injuries are perhaps those to the head where players suffer concussions and sometimes lose consciousness. Although these don’t occur as often, when they do, they are severe and damage can be irreversible. Broken teeth, noses, and jaws are also common injuries that can happen in the head area.

Ligament and Tendon Injuries

Of course as with any game that causes you to stretch as you play, the hip joint and groin muscles are extremely vulnerable. A direct blow to the hip can cause inflammation and injury. Although pads are used to protect these areas, they do not always provide full protection. Lower-back injuries due to hyperextension and constant use coupled with pulled muscles can cause havoc on a player’s body.

Pulled hamstrings and groin strains are very common in fast pace sports that require sudden spurts of speed and change in direction. Sometimes these are so painful that players can’t skate off of the ice and can cause long term absences.

Knee Injuries

Hockey players have to constantly evade their opponents by changing tactics and direction; this can damage cartilage within the knee. Rehab combined with surgery (if the tear is severe) can keep players on the bench for a long time.

While injuries are an inevitable part of sports, players can correctly strengthen their muscles, understand their bodies’ limitations, and teach the body to respond correctly when required to prevent injuries. While injuries cannot be fully prevented, players can strive to be fully aware of their bodies to prevent themselves from being off the ice for extended periods of time.



How Important is Good Posture?


How important is good posture?

Posture is the position through which your body is held upright against gravity while sitting, standing or lying down. Good posture deals with training your body to lie, stand, sit and walk in positions where the strain is the least on the supporting muscles as well as supporting ligaments during weight bearing activities.


Proper posture is important because it keeps your bones and joints in correct alignment so that the muscles are used properly. It reduces any abnormal wearing of joint surfaces which can result in arthritis, as well as decreasing the stress on the ligaments which hold the joints of the spine together preventing the spine from being fixed in an abnormal position. Proper posture also allows the body to expend less energy, therefore preventing fatigue, muscular pain and backache, and overuse or strain problems.


The following are the effects of bad posture:

- It blocks your digestive system and makes it sluggish. This can be rectified through use of pilates and yoga which strengthens your core.

- It affects your mood and happiness level while making you appear fatigued

- Due to slouching, it makes you look heavier.

- For women who spend many hours sitting, the bad posture can cause spider veins. This is because prolonged sitting with your legs crossed increases pressure.

- Bad posture worsens stress. People with good postures where their spines are straight and shoulders open have an increased rise in testosterone levels and a decrease in the stress hormone.

- Bad posture can cause stiff muscles, bad breathing, joint stiffness as well as pain.


Posture can be improved using the following:

- Identify a good posture which involves keeping your body in alignment. When standing, you should have a straight back, chin up, squared shoulders, chest out, feet forward, stomach in, and your hips and knees should be in a neutral position.

- Train your muscles to work together correctly, which will help you maintain a correct posture without fatigue. For example, when you have to lift weights, exercise the antagonist and agonist muscles evenly so that you do not lift heavy objects with your back.

- Have a good walking posture as a result of having a good standing posture. This entails keeping your head up, chest out, shoulders back as well as eyes looking straight ahead.

- For a proper sitting posture, use a chair that is ergonomically designed to give you proper support and also designed for your weight and height. This ensures that you have great lumbar support.

- When sitting at a computer for long, it is important to walk around and when sleeping, always sleep on your side.


Good posture is important because:

- It avoids back and neck pain. It also prevents muscle fatigue and muscle aches and keeps your joints and bones in proper alignment so that you can use your muscles efficiently and prevent overuse and strain.

- Good posture helps avoid new health problems because it reduces abnormal wear as well as tear on joint surfaces, which can lead to arthritis. It will also help you avoid the development of an abnormal permanent position and cause spinal disk issues, constricted blood vessels as well as nerves.

- Good posture opens the airways and ensures proper breathing which allows oxygen flow in the cardiopulmonary system.

- Good posture helps you make a good first impression and makes you appear more confident and attractive.


Finally, good posture creates the least amount of strain on your supporting ligaments and muscles as you move or perform any type of weight-bearing activity. Good posture helps maintain a healthy mind and body.


Tips on Testing for Scoliosis


Scoliosis is a condition that affects the spine and can appear in adults or in children. It is characterized by a curvature of the spine to either the left or the right. While the most common place for the spine to be curved is the chest area, the lower back is also a place that it can bend.

Unfortunately, there no known cause for scoliosis. It can range from moderate to severe and some patients have even required surgery to correct issues caused by it. Most children, however, do not require a specific type of treatment because it is usually something that they outgrow as they age. But, for those who do require treatment, leaving the issue as is, can cause serious damage to the heart, lungs, spine, pelvis or chest.


There are many ways that you notice the signs of scoliosis, especially in children. For starters, the shoulders may not be the same height or the head may not be centered directly above the pelvis region. Also, you may find that the ribcage is not symmetrical or that one shoulder blade is higher than the other. For babies, you may see that they seem to lie consistently to one side.

To test for it in an adult, there are a few steps that you can go through to determine if you have scoliosis. To begin with, you will need one or two people to look at your back through the process. You will then lean forward as you are keeping your feet together. Eventually, you should bend at the waist 90 degrees.

The person who is observing your back will stand behind you and note any curvatures that they see in your spine. Some, with more extreme cases of the condition, may even be able to look in a full length mirror to help them determine if their hips are out of line.

Keep in mind that while this may help you determine if there is a curvature, you will not be able to determine the severity of the condition unless you receive a diagnosis from your doctor. Since there are many health concerns involved for those with scoliosis, it is important that you visit with your doctor if you believe that you have this condition.


While about 80% of cases are caused by unknown circumstances, there are some theories that have surfaced for the remaining 20%. Some of these may be due to conditions that are related to the nerves and muscles, like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. Since children with these issues are often not able to walk upright, scoliosis can develop.

Other cases are caused when children are born with the condition due to the spine not developing properly when they are still in the womb. Others develop it through genetics, bad posture, leg length, carrying heavy backpacks, and exercise. Regardless of the cause of the scoliosis, it is important that you have it checked out by a doctor.


3 Simple Sciatic Pain Solutions


Sciatica can be very painful for those who suffer from it. It is caused by an irritation to the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the entire body. Normally, this pain is felt starting in the lower the back and then travels behind the thigh and radiates below the knee. There are several treatment options available, but they vary depending on the severity of the sciatic pain.

At times, pain from the sciatic nerve is caused due to a lumbar disc herniation. This disc will press on the nerve, which can cause pain. Pain can also be caused by a pinched nerve as well as irritation from adjacent muscles, bones, tumors or an infection.

If you are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, it is best to see your doctor as soon as possible to discuss treatment options. However, there are times when it is not possible to see your doctor immediately and you will need to relieve pain until you are able to schedule a visit. Here a few ways pain can be alleviated without a visit to the doctor.

1. Rest

The first step to relief is rest. This is especially important if you have recently gone through an injury that has caused sciatic nerve irritation. Resting will help speed the recovery process and prevent further irritation.

2. Ice

You can also apply ice to the area that is in pain. Ice can help to eliminate swelling as well as reduce tension. This can help to remove some of the discomfort from sciatic pain until you are able to get to the doctor. Leave the ice packs on for around ten to twenty minutes and repeat three or four times each day.

3. Medication

Medication can also help to remove the pain as well. Purchasing over the counter anti-inflammatory medicines can reduce swelling and irritation. However, your doctor may elect to prescribe you pain medication when you engage in an office visit.

While you may be able to manage your pain at home you will need to visit with your doctor in order to determine what needs to be done to correct the issue permanently. Scheduling a prompt visit can prevent future complications from occurring.


5 Tips to Reduce Back Pain


Many people are prone to back pain, and experience difficulty spending too much time in one position when sleeping or sitting. Back pain is one of the most common ailments experienced in the United States with 80% of adults experiencing back pain at least once in their lives. People commonly experience back pain from spending too much time sitting down in the office or at home, not getting sufficient exercise, or from a sports injury.

Although back pain affects many people, there are also a great deal of ways to prevent it, and treat it while maintaining a higher quality of life. Here are some simple steps you can take to start alleviating back pain.

1. Exercise

If you have never exercised in your whole life, now’s the time to start. Even simple exercises like stretching your limbs can relieve body aches. Walking is also a helpful way of keeping your back straight. Depending on the severity of your back pain, it is important to consult your physician before you begin engaging in more intense workouts.

2. Practice Good Posture

Correct posture is often misconceived as sitting up straight all the time, but it is much more than that. It is important to keep your back straight as much as possible, but not to overarch it because this will also cause back pain. It is important to avoid slouching and putting too much pressure or weight on your back. A few simple tips that can be taken to reduce the strain on one’s back are not bending over the sink while brushing your teeth, and utilizing correct technique when picking up objects. This can be done by not picking up objects while your back is straight, but bent and utilizing the legs and knees.

3. Apply Ice & Heat

If you have injured your back, it is recommended to periodically apply ice on the injured part for the first 48 hours after sustaining the injury. After that heat can be applied in the form of a heating pad or patch. If it is not injured but you experience constant back pain, applying hot compress on your back while resting can help reduce the pain.

4. Stop Smoking

Smoking has many negative effects on the body. It does not only damage your lungs, but can also be a cause of back pain. Nicotine constricts the small blood vessels and this hampers the delivery of blood to the soft tissues which is a cause of back pains.

5. Relaxation Techniques

Breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or tai chi relax the mind and reduce muscle tension in your body. It will relax your back and reduce pain.


Top 5 Celebrities With Bad Posture

Celebrities are people that we look up to and strive to be more like in a number of ways. However, there are many celebrities that have bad habits that we should all avoid. For example, there are a great number of celebrities who have bad posture, which can have a huge impact on their health.

Some of the celebrities that you should avoid copying their bad posture habits are:

  • Kiera Knightly
  • Justin Bieber
  • Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Bill Gates
  • Miley Cyrus


Each of these celebrities has a posture that probably has their chiropractors in fits every time that they enter their office. Not only can bad posture provide you with back pain, but it can have lasting effects on the body as well.

In fact, having bad back posture can cause problems with your immune health as well. For those with depression, it can also make symptoms worse. In addition to health problems, it can affect your career because your attitude will not always be at its best.

There are a number of reasons that people develop bad posture over time. With the increase that we have seen in technology, it is no wonder that slouching at our desks or over our cell phones is a leading cause of these types of issues.

When you are looking to correct your posture, you will find that there are many different methods in place to help you do so. One method that has been used for centuries is simply training yourself to stand and sit straighter. Placing books on one’s head and walking with them in place several times a day is one old fashioned method that has proven quite successful.

However, these days there are several exercises that can help with posture as well. Many of these exercises focus around building up the muscles in the back so that you will have a better chance of having good posture.

Seeing a chiropractor regularly can also help realign your spine and help improve your posture. Because of the negative effects of bad posture on the body, this is necessary for anyone with bad posture. Not only will it help them to feel better physically, but it will help them to develop a need to repair the bad posture that they have.

Celebrities around the world can be seen on a regular basis displaying signs of bad posture. However, for these individuals in particular, it is not common to see them standing or sitting in a position that will keep their back straight and secure.

If you find yourself mimicking these or any other celebrities who have bad posture, it is best to select methods to help improve it immediately. Bad posture can be painful and create many other issues for us in the future, along with the health risks mentioned above. Make sure that you see your chiropractor, so that you can learn more about the benefits that good posture will have on your future.